a person with this name is proud, witty and kind. they have a way with words and are deep thinkers. able to do great things if they don’t let themselves get in their way. artistic, creative and full of energy, p-ssion and life. the best of friends. be their biggest fan and watch them do great things.
franklin delano roosevelt
delano, ca
noun- the source of the most horrid gut twisting food known to man, located on the grounds of kings point it is where midshipmen of the merchant marine receive there nourishment.
delano has caused usmma to be a staple atop princeton reviews list to twenty worst colleges as far as food is concerned. there are reputed cases of the food causing severe cases of the explosive diarrhea, -n-l leakage, loss of will to live, hair loss, itchiness, loss of s-x drive, small p-n-s syndrome, and gastric tension.
the only redeeming quality is that delano is free for the midshipmen of kings point.
“there is no toilet paper left in the head, everyone has the sh-ts, f-ck delano”
“dieting is so easy, all i have to do is go into delano look at what they are serving and i lose my appat-te”
“ever since i got back to school and have had to eat a delano i have had the worst flatulence”
the name given to a gay -ss town full of vandalism, s-x, violence, gangsters, and drug dealers
lauren:ewww karely look at that ugly -ss town.
karely:i knoe it must be delano
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