Demon’s Run
when good men go to war.
the doctor made a demon’s run in season 6 episode 7
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n. when a man possesses one or more t-st-cl-s than required. so i found out i have an extricle today…
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1. a quite made-up word used to describe anything or anyone that gets on your nerves. 2. can be used to replace vulgar. 1. -cats pees on your bed- “aww, that stupid gurkenflaggen!!” 2. “what the gurkenflaggen!?”
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possibly the greatest npc name ever randomly generated by a games’ ai. 1st guy: holy h-ll, is that gurbachen dynamite? 2nd guy: i don’t wanna get gurbachen’d, lets cross the road.
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1) very daring 2) to go to great lengths (extreme) 1) he one extrex dude. 2) that mama sure can get extrex in bed!!! to take advantage of an elderly woman. usually done as a gang initiation. to join the ghetto black gang, jacob wendel went to ross stores on tuesday (which also happens to […]
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