
it’s called a dessertspoon you f-cking yank!

a dessertspoon is about 2.5 times the size of a teaspoon and is used to aid in the consumption of puddings etc without f-cking up one’s shirt.

women also use it for satisfaction (hence why i put it in s-x)
uh…a spoon?

what do you want an example of? it’s a f-cking dessertspoon not hume’s moral non-cognitivism!
so in other words, it’s a tablespoon. :p
i eat cereal with a tablespoon. that way, i can shove more food in my mouth than if i used a smaller teaspoon.
wtf is a deasertspoon? you f-cking europeans have to have a weird -ss term for everything, don’t you?

it’s called a f-cking teaspoon!
euro dude: i always add a deasertspoon of sugar to my coffee.
american dude: it’s called a f-cking teaspoon you f-cking douche!
matrix dude: there is no spoon.

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