desktris (desk & tetris): when you switch desks at work and you have to arrange everything so that’s it really neat and tidy with everything slotted perfectly in its -ssigned place… before it inevitably gets messy as the desk is no longer “new”. a bit like those elusive “neat books” in primary school where you take extra care in making sure that your handwriting is really tidy on the first page, but then it just all goes to sh-t and you give up when you spell something wrong and have to scribble it out; or the next page doesn’t have 50-odd pages underneath it and it doesn’t feel as nice to write on… or you notice that you pushed the pencil- so hard that it’s made an imprint on the 3rd page and now it looks like one of those old receipt books that some businesses have.
-pen if you were in year 6
“need to finish desktris before we can have our morning meeting”
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