an awesometastic j-rock band formed september 9, 1999 by karyu, the guitarist, after the b-ssist got him ridiculously hammered. the band has had a number of successes, including several tours in europe and joining the rtoc tour in 2008 with a bunch of ghei bands, way beneath their level. d’espairsray will be celebrating their 10-year-anniversary this year, hopefully unlike the last, in which karyu looked as if he was about to puke all over everthing.
d’espairsray is:
hizumi (vocalist)– who posts blogs non-stop about the weather, bugs stalking him, and alien movies that make him go “tense”. he’s secretely a viking hamster who loves tobasco sauce, as shown from their show in ruisrock and wacken open air.
karyu (guitarist/f-gman)– who speaks in a strange, elusive manner, like a dying person attempting to give the protagonist in a cr-ppy, high-budget movie info before they die. his nose is humongous and very much beanpole-like.
zero (b-ssist)– also know as the internet-addicted, picture-whoring sl-tface. sl-tface never gets off the intarwebs, and posts around 10 blogs a day on 3 different websites, posting pictures of his underwear, b-tt, and naked thigh.
tsukasa (drummer)– known as mufasa, the drunk hick-farmer boy who can’t farm worth a d-mn. the man can drink vodka out of a bottle, but gets a stomach-ache if he drinks coffee, while singing enka about karyu’s cat (from the radio station, maniacstation).
non-fans: if you don’t listen to d’espairsray, then you are missing out on incredible music… and the lulz!
mania (nickname for fans): if you like d’espairsray, then you live in dk, d’espairsray kingdom, the happiest place on earth! :ddd
an awesometastic j-rock band formed september 9, 1999 by karyu, the guitarist, after the b-ssist got him ridiculously hammered. the band has had a number of successes, including several tours in europe and joining the rtoc tour in 2008 with a bunch of ghei bands, way beneath their level. d’espairsray will be celebrating their 10-year-anniversary this year, hopefully unlike the last, in which karyu looked as if he was about to puke all over everthing.
d’espairsray is:
hizumi (vocalist)– who posts blogs non-stop about the weather, bugs stalking him, and alien movies that make him go “tense”. he’s secretely a viking hamster who loves tobasco sauce, as shown from their show in ruisrock and wacken open air.
karyu (guitarist/f-gman)– who speaks in a strange, elusive manner, like a dying person attempting to give the protagonist in a cr-ppy, high-budget movie info before they die. his nose is humongous and very much beanpole-like.
zero (b-ssist)– also know as the internet-addicted, picture-whoring sl-tface. sl-tface never gets off the intarwebs, and posts around 10 blogs a day on 3 different websites, posting pictures of his underwear, b-tt, and naked thigh.
tsukasa (drummer)– known as mufasa, the drunk hick-farmer boy who can’t farm worth a d-mn. the man can drink vodka out of a bottle, but gets a stomach-ache if he drinks coffee, while singing enka about karyu’s cat (from the radio station, maniac station).
unlike most j-panese artists, the vocalist does not sing in that horrible, nasaly tone that makes you want to give them a tissue. their live shows are 1000x better than the recording, and their fans (called mania) aren’t complete douchey douchebags… excpet for a few elitist fan club b-tches who flaunt all their fc-only stuff, but refuse to show other fans when aksed politely.
non-fans: if you don’t listen to d’espairsray, then you are missing out on incredible music… and the lulz!
mania (nickname for fans): if you like d’espairsray, then you live in dk, “d’espairsray kingdom”, the happiest place on earth! :ddd
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