unbelievably stupid; a c-ck sniffing b-tt chomper; usually referig to people who think that they are fish
that deucy would not stop acting like a h-rny boinger.
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- SSORBS Clause
screen shot or bull sh-t the general understanding that any claim made on the internet or about actions on the internet may be questioned or discounted unless suitable photographic or screen-capture evidence is supplied. this n-ts-ck was trying to have us believe that he had taken out five level 80 horde, which included a ret […]
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a surname with russiona/slovanic origins which has been recorded with many spellings including nemchin, nemchinov (russian), nimchuk (ukraine), niemiec (polish), nemec (czech), niemetz, nimitz, niemsch (german), niemiec (jewish), nemet and nemeth (hungarian). it is ethnic from the word nemchin describing a german or a german speaker. the intrinsic dislike of foreigners is not just a […]
it stands for “subtle slap to face”; a moment when someone insults someone in public in a way that is evident to everyone else except for the targeted person. if a group of people have been talking about how poor a person is, and then the person joins the group. one of the people in […]
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pr-nounced: oh-don-tik -adjective 1. to utilize petty, ostentatious rhetoric 2. inadequate attempt to simplify a complex issue root: odon (having no rhetorical teeth) od- a hypothetical force formerly held to pervade all nature and to manifest itself in magnetism, mesmerism, chemical action, etc. (1840–50; arbitrary name coined by karl von reichenbach: odic force also called […]
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one who decides to take a cl-ss on wednesdays therefore ruining the traditional deusch waffle wednesday; likes to lick his friends and thinks he is a puppy; occasionally strips at bars; makes very good toasted almond drinks and is a big dork. chris z. is a deuschwafflehamburglerbungchow and is going to miss all of his […]