means ‘d-ck in a box’
comes from the awesome music video featuring justin timberlake and andy samberg which was shown on sat-rday night live.
the video rips the sh-t out of s-x music of the early 90’s. its about two c-ssanova men who attach boxes to their waists and have their d-cks in the boxes. they then present the box to their lovers as a christmas gift or any occasion for that matter:
‘christmas… d-ck in a box, hanukkah… d-ck in a box, kwanzaa… a d-ck in a box, every single holiday a d-ck in a box, over at your parent’s house a d-ck in a box
mid day at the grocery store a d-ck in a box…’
some complete legends who live in southsea discovered this video and after watching it over and over it, the phrase d-ck in a box became abbreviated to diab and used as an insult.
that bill gates kid plays xbox until 3am, what a diab!
d-ck in a box
origin: justin timberlake and andy samberg made a short on sat-rday night live. the music video is about two casanova-type men who attach a box to their waists with their d-cks in the box which is then given to their lovers as a gift for christmas. 1: “cut a hole in a box”, 2: “put your junk in that box”, 3: “make her open the box…and that’s the way you do it!” – genious
some legends who live in southsea came across this video and thought it is the funniest thing ever and after watching it over and over the word diab became used as an insult.
that bill gates kid plays x-box till 3am, what a diab!
affectionate term for someone who has diabetes (either 1 or 2).
alright diabs? hows the diabs going?
pretty self explanatory
ashleigh woke up with a d-ck in her -rs-. she is now a diab.
the surname of the popular arabic singer amr diab.
amr diab sings for a living
a term commonly used in the edmonton area describing someone who is made fun of for being diabetic.
anthony: hahahahahaha! look at that stupid diab.
kyle: yeah i know, what a loser, that guy can’t even make fun of people with a.d.d or he will just get laughed at for being such a stupid diab.
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