a term used to describe a woman (especially a really pretentious woman) that performs f-ll-t– on a man’s p-n-s by crabbing the shaft of the p-n-s, erecting and stiffening her tongue and quickly dabbing the head of the p-n-s once. ex. a very bad bl-wj-b.
man 1: “yo check out that hot -ss chick”
man 2: “who that uptight looking b-tch right there?”
man 1: “yeah her i bet she sucks a mean d-ck”
man 2: ” no man that b-tch is a d-ck dabber, get your money back”
1 more definition
a male who uses one square of toilet paper to wipe off his driblets after he pees.
bro 1: “yo matt dabs his d-ck after he pees”
bro 2:”you mean he’s a d-ck-dabber”
bro 1:”yea what a f-cking p-ssy”
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