when someone f-cking annoying that you want to get rid of them the same you would a t-rd i.e pushing that b-tch out as hard as you can when you are constipated but as fast as you can -j-c-l-t-.
“you seen that b-tch over there…her name destiney?”
“oh my god that thot is such a d-ck t-rd!”
5 more definitions
one who acts d-ckish and like a sh-t. useful combinations to shorten sentences.
you’re p-ssing me off, you gnarly d-ck-t-rd.
after having -n-l s-x, when a p-n-s becomes plugged with feces, and subsequently “p–ps” the feces out either during -j-c-l-t–n or while urinating. d-ckt-rds look similar to hamster t-rds, and are usually layered in a fashion similar to the buildup of dough in a straw after pressing the straw in the dough multiple times. d-ckt-rds are commonly -ssociated urinary tract infections.
chaz had to p–p, but he didn’t tell trit. so, after banging chaz in the -ss, trit trit left a d-ckt-rd in chaz’s -ss when he came. trit got a urinary tract infection the next day.
a cigerette that has had its tabacco pinched or squeazed out and replaced with marijuana in order for user to inconspicuously get high in public places. inspired by the stupid british term for a cigerette: a f-g.
i knew i was gonna want to get f-cked up at the baseball game, so i made a couple d-ck t-rds so i wouldn’t get caught. let’s just say it was a grand slam nigggaaaaa.
a black man’s p-n-s or a white man’s p-n-s after -n-l s-x.
i f-cked jamal lastnight and he had the biggest d-ck t-rd i have ever taken!!!
a d-ck t-rd is when d-cks are in your t-rds. you t-rd out d-cks.
deriks t-rds had d-cks in them, they were d-ckt-rds. lol
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danny mother f-cking miles dmfm is standing over there.