dippity doo
1. n. what appears on your dippity when you leave it out overnight.
2. n. a brand of hair gel introduced in the 1950’s.
1. when i looked out the window, i saw that my dippity was covered with dippity doo.
2. when i looked out the window, i saw that my dippity was covered with dippity-doo. weird.
what john reuben is doin’.
“reuben, what is he dippity doin’?”
(it’s a song, and john reu is rippity tarkin’! look at tarkin’ if you wanna find out what john reu is.)
when one indulges in s-xual activities.
she dippity dooed all night long
to have s-xual intercourse quickly and in a public place while someone is waiting for you or you have to be somewhere.
me and my girl were at the dentists office today and could not help ourselves, we just had to dippity-doo in the waiting room.
a really f’d up hairstyle
you best put on a hat and cover up your dippity doo.
sticking a chicks head in the toilet and constantly flushing, by depressing the handle with your left foot (until she begs you for a chili dog) while your b-lls deep. also known as brooksn’
she had an att-tude when i got home, but a quick trip to the bathroom and a “dippity-doo” had her singing a new tune
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