the sound uttered by one after looking at a very ugly woman or a very sk-nky tramp. comes from the two word phrase “diseased one.” used to describe big sl-ts and nasty chicks.
what, emily?! doooo!
an animal that is really annoying as h-ll. usually is found in the back of peoples’ yards living behind their sheds. the animal is very popular because you can milk it for mountain dew.
there’s a doooo animal living behind my shed, but i don’t mind because now i can drink all the free mountain dew i want.
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- Dorifingers
n – a spin on the word, doritoes which is used to explain the cheese that is left on your hands from eating doritos. girl 1: yummm these doritos are good. guy 2: you should wash your hands or lick the cheese off because you’ve got a case of dorifingers.
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a device for making your argument stronger.phrases such as therefore and thus can be used as double connectives to ram your point home. selina didn’t believe that the double connective existed therefore dan put it on urban dictionary thus convincing her of it’s existence.
- dotty
insane. silly. confused she’s a dotty lady – meaning she gets confused easily a person that always lookes their best. a person that people always want to be around and chill with. shybaby and blanka are dotty, they always look fine and are fun to chill with. a racial slur for an indian person. dotty! […]