a beyond just bad individual performance that turns what should be a win into a loss. the performance is so much worse than just sucking that it’s as though the double-sucker was trying to screw you over.
originates from sharing a small amount of weed where someone double-sucked the joint and left the others without the high they rightly deserved.
carson: how’d we lose that game tonight? we should have killed them.
paul: we would have if eric just sucked as usual, but he double-sucked us all night.
when a gentleman is sucked off twice in the same evening by 2 separate females. this act requires intense physical stamina and should not be counted if under the influence of s-xual enhancement pills.
although very rare and extremely difficult to pull off, our young friend managed to pull off a double suck after an evening of hard drinking and s-xting. to make matters even more boss, the act occurred just inches away from my p-ssed out head.
1. literally when a girl sucks two guys’ d-cks at once
2. when someone excessively sucks up
3. being a submissive b-tch
1. mary doublesucked me and my mate.
2. oh look, there’s susie doublesucking to her boss again
3. you’re just gonna take that? stop doublesucking, b-tch!
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