Douche Cunt
n. vulgar slang (tee-hee)
1. a stream of water or a device used to introduce a stream of water into the body for sanitary reasons -and- the human female genitalia combined
2. someone who genuinely is; or can be categorized as; a douche c-nt
pl. douchec-nts
girl: “i think we should see other people…”
boy: “you are a douche c-nt!”
a combination of the two insults douche and c-nt, it is hyphinated and is a pretty bad-ss insult if you ask me
d00d your being a total douche-c-nt.
a guy who is narcississtic, c-cky, immature, and very very good at playing mind games. he’s extremely attractive, most likely has a s-xy accent and uses this to his advantage. makes you think he’s different from other guys, and what people say about him by playing the “difference of culture” card, but he’s not. he’s just better at playing the game. he is not like typical players. he understands women, knows why they do the things they do, and takes advantage. acts mature, and will most likely call you out on overreacting to something, making you feel like an idiot. the douchec-nt is a very rare species of -sshole, that seldomly occurs, but when he does… be prepared to get f-cked over
girl: hey we should hang out soon 🙂
guy: yeah for sure. lets hang out friday 🙂
girl: alright!
-girl recieves m-ss message from guy-
“hey everyone i’m djing on friday, come check it out!”
girl: wow… what a douchec-nt.
when someone acts of a disrespectful nature towards 1 or a groups of persons, using derogatory insults aimed at ones race and/or ethnicity.
this lady on the tram was acting like a douchec-nt towards all the coloured people aboard.
the female douchebag. someone who has s-x with many partners who doesn’t take care of her c-nt.
eww! pl is a douchec-nt!!
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