a douche of mythical proportions. someone who has reached an epic and rare level of douchery that they are equivalent to a douche unicorn.
that guy just asked me to flash him then said i was fat when i didn’t, what a douchecorn.
Read Also:
- Douche Cunt
(d–sh-kunt) n. vulgar slang (tee-hee) 1. a stream of water or a device used to introduce a stream of water into the body for sanitary reasons -and- the human female genitalia combined 2. someone who genuinely is; or can be categorized as; a douche c-nt pl. douchec-nts girl: “i think we should see other people…” […]
- Douchivity
1) the state of being a “douche”. 2) to represent how much a person is douche-like. 3) the over all act of being a douchebag your boss has a proclivity for douchivity
- doug'in it
when you are acting in a doug-like fashion, or being dougable in an otherwise undoug’ed environment. he’s straight up doug’in it.
- do well
nice one, that’s good, well done person 1: here’s your bithday present person 2: do well irish, shortened from of gaelic mac dubhghaill , meaning shady and dark the surname dowell really could be mcdowell. to telecommute sans pants. “so, now that we have our connection… are you dowelling, too?”
- Downashore
proper noun: the new jersey sh-r-; literally, “down to the sh-r-,” or “down at the sh-r-.” “we went downash-r- for memorial day.” “have yiz been to my house downash-r-?”