(noun) one who is not a douchewhole; a person who has not attained a state of douchewholeness or its spiritual counterpart, doucheholiness; that is, the state of being merged or one with almighty douchegod, whose wholly doucheword and only begotten son, douchechrist is prophecied to return from the doucheheavens in a douche-ocolypse of divine douchejudgment. it says so right here in the pages of this douchebook.
a: “honey, where’s the douchebook? i need to say my doucheprayers.”
b: “mm, someone sounds guilty that he was a douchehalf, and didn’t go to douchem-ss last week.”
a: “what a fine douchechristian wife i married. honey, i’m going to go around irrelevantly telling total strangers to ‘have a doucheblessed day’ all the time, just ’cause i feel so doucheblessed to be your douchehusband. praise douchegod!”
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