the long, pointed goatee often found dangling from the chins of douchecycle riders with mega-piercings/body mods; also favored by those hanging at graphic novel shops.
that bro’torcycle bag died his douchicle silver to match the carpet
someone who is bigger douche than words can describe. a hife tool. matt canon.
matt canon is a huge douchicle
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- Douchebreeder
a heteros-xual who embodies all negative traits of heteros-xuals, especially male ones. i feel uncomfortable around mike with his popped collar, fake tan, and axe body spray; he’s such a douchebreeder.
- doughnut truck rollover
when you are driving along the highway and there are police everywhere. hey man be careful driving down the 101, i heard there was a doughnut truck rollover. oh yeah, i just saw 7 cops in 3 miles
- dowl
a p-n-s or c-ck. used in new jersey in the mid 90’s (two kids get in a fight) kid-1: f-ck u b-tch kid-2: suck my dowl dowl is a word that all the r-t-rds say if they cant think of anything eles to say about you hes a right “dowl” him f-ck dowl dont sit […]
- downside
negative aspect on the downside, the outcome does not appear all that promising.
- do your arse
lose most, if not all, of money you have gambled or risked the longer you play the slot machines the more certain it becomes that you will do your -rs-.