drop a glock
1) verb- drop a glock (or drop the glock, or whatever) has a similar meaning to bust a cap. the word comes from the streets. gangstas in some areas will tuck or strap a handgun, usually a nine or glock, in their sleeve, up by their shoulder. if a situation arises where a gun is needed, the gangsta can snap his arm in a downward motion, thus freeing the gun and letting it slide down into his/her hand. now the gangsta is ready to bust a cap.
2) verb- used as a threat implying that the person is willing to do what the above definition describes.
the rival gang member pulled out a nine so jon was forced to drop a glock to protect himself.
fool : “man, your momma is fat.”
p.i.m.p. : “yo fool, don’t make me drop a glock on you!”
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