don’t tell me how it ends.
dtmhie as in – don’t tell me how it ends. ;p

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  • DTmoron

    anyone that hasn’t caught on that it takes about two seconds to make up a definition, and the fact that “wataf” in the dictionary isn’t anything to get excited about, and jimmy hates you all. you are a dtmoron.

  • hyperjenix

    basicly anything that gives u a sugar high, makes u hyper or wakes u up hyperjenix, we like hyper jenix, hyperjenix, we think your the best

  • Hyperverbilating

    when you talk loads of sh-t about nothing important. last night i was hyperverbilating so much to all the guys at the party. i feel so embarr-ssed!

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    person that matches everything (clothes, hat, shoes, pants, accessories) you’re such a hyphy beast. stop matching all your clothes bryan.

  • hyves

    a dutch social networking site. similar to facebook and mysp-ce, just not as over the top. the people who use hyves.net are any combination of the following: dutch cool dutch wannabes celebrities dude1: omg! did you get that email from hyves that said it’s almost freddy’s birthday? dude2: yeah, i totally did. but i knew […]

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