dumbledore is the ex-headmaster of hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. he is the only one who voldemort ever feared. he is around 150 years old, and is the most powerful wizard in the world at this time. he has worked at hogwarts from before 1945-1996. he can speak many languages, and is known for finding the 12th use of dragons blood. he is friends with an ancient alchemist, nicholas flamel, rumored to be the creator of the “philosopher’s stone” which can turn any metal into pure gold, and can create the elixer of life, which will render the drinker immortal for a specific amount of time. he has been asked to be the minister of magic many times, but he enjoys his life at hogwarts too immensely to even consider that.
full name: albus percival wulfric brian dumbledore
age: over 150 years
siblings: only one that we know of, aberforth dumbledore, who has been prosecuted for performing illegal charms on a goat.
marital status: single as far as we know, but many fans wish that minerva mcgonagall is his wife.
deathdate: june 29th 1996
“i will only truly have left this school none here are loyal to me… help will always be given at hogwarts to those who ask for it.” ~albus dumbledore, hp&tcos
the most taleted wizard of all time in the land of harry potter.
harry: dumbledore is the only man voldemort was ever afraid of!
headmaster of hogswarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.
full name: albus percival wulfric brian dumbledore.
he is made of awesome and a h-m-s-xual.
just ask jk rowling, she said so.
i wish i was as awesome as dumbledore.
the guy who ran hogwarts, who dies from snape
snape kills dumbledore!
the most bad-ss wizard to ever live. he won a duel against gellert f-cking grindelwald, was named the most powerful wizard of his time, and was even headmaster of hogwarts for a while, until he ordered severus snape to kill him because he f-cked up his hand on a ring – one of voldemort’s horcruxes – which he destroyed. like a boss.
harry: i’m dumbledore’s man through and through.
dumbledore is the greatest sorcerer in the world
person 1:dumbledore just b-tch slapped voldemort(u shall not harm harry)
person 2:he rules!
a girl who is especially good at giving head, a “headmaster.”
i call my girl dumbledore, ’cause she’s the headmaster.
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