not jacking off enough or having s-x enough so that a male has a wet dream.
timmy was dypted when he did not jack off and had no girl around to lay him.
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- Deanna Tidgewell
a huge wh-r-, usaually a sk-nk.that get’s drunk at parties she’s not invited to and gives the birthday boy head. (disgusting c-nt) alison pulled the biggest deanna tidgewell last night, what a sk-nk
- DecPIF
(deece piff)n. decpif comes from the latin phrase p-ssy i’d f-ck. d-mn thats some decpif!!
- decumming
to detect and remove sperm and c-m from it took hours for jim and lucy to finish up at work. i think they were busy dec-mming a problem.
the abbreviation for dude eat dat d-ck up slowly. you know what? deddus b-tch!
- defailurize
something asian parents have been known to tell their children. usually involves a poor grasp of the english language and a a- in any subject. -why you only have a- in engrish? -my teacher is racist! he told me to fix my eyes or deal with bad grades! -excuses! you need defailurize or get out […]