Eager Beaver
a woman who doesn’t know how to play hard to get.
ashley is such an eager beaver: she texted me back 2 minutes later after i hadn’t talked to her all day.
someone who is very d-mn excited/anxious for something, usually resulting in extreme f-cking annoyance for the people around them.
sh-t, he’s such an eager beaver when it comes to getting laid. one day he’s gonna c-m his pants!
a girl, usually ranging in age from 14 to 21 who is very interested and ancious to explore her s-xual promiscuity. often times regarded as an easy hookup.
guy 1: man, i just got with stacey last night.
guy 2 (unimpressed): man, that ain’t no biggie. that girls an eager beaver.
someone who is very keen to do something
whoa there you eager beaver, we have plenty of time!
a notorious nickname for irish gaelic football players, in particular for forwards who poach goals and link up well with the midfield. eager beavers always make runs for possession as well as tackling heavily.
pauric : the ball you p-ssed in to daire from midfield was great.
conal : ye i know, the eager beaver always looks for them p-sses though
1)an unbelievably keen year 7 with a rucksack that is bigger than their entire body
2)alternatively there is the game which is basically violent snap and so much better than the original 😮
1) did u see that eager beaver trip over on the way up to -ssembly.
2)olibaz: snappp!!! -punches grud-
grud: oii -sn-tches cards they break-
when one waits to long to make a bowel movement and there is a build up of poo in your body. the -n-s is unable to strech enough to let it through resulting in a ripping of ones -sshole and a whole lot of f-cking pain
if you didnt have such an eager beaver, maybe we wouldnt have to mop your sh-t up off the floor
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