speaking of stupid people… its actually spelled etc. and is an abreviation etcetera, good try though :d
there are many commonly used abreviations in the english language such as: mr., mrs., st., rd., and etc.
b-st-rdisation of ‘etc.’ or et cetera.
only used by idiots. the written equivalent of nucular. typed by the same type of people who say ‘exspecially.’
i love great music; exspecially justin timberlake, lil jon, jessica simpson, hanson, ect.
electroconvulsive therapy. an electric current p-sses through your brain to make you happy. (just stand outside in a storm with some tinfoil wrapped around your head)
jimmy was going to kill himself, instead he had ect, he’s more f-cked up than ever
the stupid person way to abbreviate “et cetera”. the “et” standing for the latin word “et” and the “c.” standing for the latin word “cētera”, hence “etc.” and not “ect.”
child #1: i don’t understand why people call me stupid, dumb, and ect.
child #2: maybe it’s because you spelled “etc.” incorrectly, and put an “and” before the et cetera (which is redundant).
child #1: that explains it.
engine coolant temperature sensor
changing a cracked resin-tipped ects with a br-ss-tipped ects will make your vehicle idle correctly and prevent burning oil.
egg custard tarts – little pastry things filled woth egg custard
burt :” ummmmmmmmmmmmmm these ect’s are delicious ”
jamal: ” ur d-mn straight they are dawg”
ect is often made to look like a person with a b-n-r the “e” is the head the “c” is the torso/arms and the “t” is for the p-n-s and legs.
it is originated from the word “excited” in french which translates to excité. the e would be said “eh”, c “si”, t “teh” (eh-si-teh/excité).
john: i’m gonna get laid tonight
philippe: es tu ect?
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