effeex is a person who really enjoys the norwegian pizza of “grandiosa” or popularily called “grandis”.
d-mn, you really enjoy grandis. are you sure that you’re not effeex?
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- Dirble
noun – a person or group of persons that is lazy and/or is a couch potato. stop being such a dirble and get off the computer!
- dinklage
an error occurred. unable to execute javascript.
- dimiXcore
to be dimixcore is to be like dimi, a disgusting wannabe thug. he’s so dimixcore…
- echopinion
(n.) the very wise and helpful opinion of echo (n.) “yeah! echo gave me her echopinion so my bannerdidn’t look like cr-p!!!!!” when one repeats the opinions of others. i have heard that echopinion before.
- Dillinger Four
possibly the greatest thing ever to come out of minnisota (but being from the uk i wouldn’t know). f-cking kick -ss punk rock band some of the best song t-tles ever and the best lyrics of the past 10 years. sellthehousesellthekidssellthecarmoveonfindsomeoneelseforget-ti’mnevercomingbackforget-t doublewhiskeyc-kenoice honey, i sh-t the hot tub.