
a girl who doesn’t care what anyone says, so long as it doesn’t her friends, she’s an isolationist with a few close friends, but they will be there forever.
that chick is an ekatarina

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  • queenston

    a beautiful girl who’s looks normally comes from her mom , she’s smart , funny , nice , but don’t get on her bad side she’ll make you regret it queenston is a very pretty girl

  • anaiss

    the most beautiful, whose sweetest and funniest girl.she is beautiful inside and whose natural beauty shines.so much fun to be around always with a smile on her face.a super girly girl who loves shopping and who’s favorite color is pink. a lot of people think she is shy and not athletic, but her truest friends […]

  • attacking off the back

    that sh-t cyclist in the club that always gets dropped on group rides. they’re so sh-t they’re ‘attacking off the back’

  • jacob browning

    a f-cking b-tch… that you should f-cking shoot in the -sshole next time i see a jacob browning i’ll kill it.

  • you're talking like a man with a paper asshole

    some one who’s storys are either blatantly full of sh-t or very flimsy at best. mark whalberg bragging about taking down hi jackers i would have taken those terrorists out mark, you’re talking like a man with a paper -sshole

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