
the art of seducing older women online using naughty pictures of elephants
did some elephlirting the other night totally scored with a hot blonde milf

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  • tyna

    tyna is a very nice kindhearted person, she will always try to be your friend. she is the type of person you want to be around. she will always listen to you and everything you say, she is also very playful. if you have someone named tyna, try and stick with them! definition: nice word […]

  • mmdt

    maried man don’t talk her : he’s so cute imma go talk to him him : lol nah mmdt

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    pr-nounced: ri-tchey name for a proper doos. a full on tw-t. someone that no one likes. everyone would prefer if they just f-cked off. jeez that guy’s a bit of a rightchy

  • ghanshyam

    the person who calls everything old. everything he hears or sees is old news to him and he has heard or seen it already. addy: hey, checkout this new anime. muse: it’s old. addy: don’t be a ghanshyam!

  • fresh noodle

    your homie. that one kid that evry1 likes. he is the swaggiest kid aboard the ark, so swag that is he were a spell in harry potter, he would be called wingardium swagiosa. fresh noodle: hey kiddies! fresh noodle is in the house!!!

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