
ecstacy marrijuana acid speed crack cocaine.

a community based on irc
© emascc. 2oo8 – w3 d0 it 4 teh lolz

19:20 <@syko-x> yeah i respect aaron and the decisions he makes and any request he asks of me

23:30 whos linode zomghax?
23:31 idiot look at the ident
23:31 cookie`: learn2internet
23:31 yeah, an ident tell me everything?
23:31 suck mroe d-ck

23:49 kgo
23:49 kgo
23:50 kgo
23:50 kgo

00:50 gs69azza fails

00:06 <3 00:07 s2

02:15 -estate- welcome to estate’s trivia channel for nerds. trivia game is currently off. please type /msg estate ? if you need help. enjoy your stay! 🙂
02:15 uno! gs69azza!aaron@
02:15 uno! v0.96.74.3 by marky
02:15 uno! join now – you have 30 seconds

02:20 -chanop- — #emascc database match: – min: 0 max: 200 —
wily 100
timex 100
sovnix 100
anomaly 100
ezz^ 198 gs69azza 199
syko-x 200 |lippa| 198
crypt_k 198
fury 198
sinther 150
duckie_ 198
damo2002 185
cookie` 199
idlefire 175 jamieliveshere 198
stephen-wx 100 ravensrage 198 sinsect 150
richard 198
02:20 -chanop- — end of list —

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