an email tsunami
lots of emails to deal with all of a sudden.
excuse me for a second… i have an enami to deal with…
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to indulge in a variety of delicious food; to pig out it was total extreme hogfestation in victoria this weekend! i couldn’t get my pants done up this morning.
- Fair Weather Ownership
when credit is claimed when things go well, but blame is -ssigned elsewhere when things don’t. one of my team members believes in fair weather ownership. people were happy when he made a big song and dance about the dashboard he just built. when somebody pointed out a minor glitch his response was “it’s not […]
- famous movie quotes
a famous movie quote or famous movie quotes are when your watching a movie and you hear a quote and like it and never forget it for example forrest gump: “mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. you never know what you’re gonna get” or napoleon dynamite: “get your own tots” or […]
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a gangster who is fabulous ohh damm, she is so fangsta! 6 more definitions a cobra starship fan, derrived from the term “fangs up”, which is the symbol for cobra starship. fangsta1: did you buy viva la cobra! yet? fangsta2: obviously, i’m a fangsta! a vampire also being a gangsta. (see gangsta.) the count dracula […]
- fapplaud
to applaud/clap your hands very soft/gently making the sound of fapping. an alternative to “applaud”. person 1: i just got a girlfriend!!! person 2: you deserve a fapplaud, good job man! -fapplause-