1. a former friend or acquaintance whose company is no longer considered to be beneficial to a relationship.
2. one who is deemed or deems him/herself to be of more use to another as an adversary as apposed to an ally.
“every enemy i have my government made for me.”
an enemy made through hostile online interaction. internet users typically make e-nemies in a flame war on a discussion forum and more recently in the blogging world.
john started a blog to attack people with ultra conservative leanings and in the process ended up making a new e-nemy every second.
someone you hate who hates you back.
a: be quiet, enemy.
b: i’m the who now?
c: fart!
a: ‘lo c.
c: ‘lo a.
our one, main, enemy is voldemort. we must hunt him down with wild packs of dogs and ginny weasley. she has some mean attack spells
voldemort just needs to die. he is the enemy. enough said.
sum1 that u despise and is the oposer of wot u believe in, often an ex friend
neds, nicola boyle and mr mcniel
the imaginary figures surrounding an idiotic person
i am your worst enemy! muahahahaha!
a girl that you fix then you cant get rid of.
an enemy is like a moped, she was fun to ride until someone see with it.
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