eph you
6 more definitions
to be used in replacement of the letter ‘f’ in any situation.
eph that. eph you. you stupid mother epher. this word is ephing cool. the eph bomb.
1. everything, nothing, everything that is in between everything and nothing, and nothing that is in between everything and nothing; having relevance to all possible things, concepts, and ideas in the universe and all impossible, while being related to nothing; something logical that makes no sense.
2. see depravity, on page omgnoplzd’: in gravitation fanfiction.
“the dominator was on bottom, that eph.”
“eph eph eph eph?”
“eph eph eph eph, his name is my name, too.”
“this eph is pink like my hair, and lightly ribbed for added pleasure.”
“the eph boots and tail make red-heads -rg-sm as their motorcycles vibrate beneath their b-lls.”
cr-ppiest high school in texas, eagle p-ss high school is situated in the poorest county in texas and filled with mexican cholos, -ssholes and preps. the band is full of h-rny chicks and dudes who f-ck each other on the bus to trips, yet holds the record for most first divisions. the school funds the h-ll out of the football team yet they cant even make it past the first round of playoffs and they still get new uniforms every year. our academics are sh-t too, we do mediocre in every aspect combined. anyone with an iq over 10 should think about getting out of here but since most of us are lazy sh-ts, most of us stay.
person 1: what school you go to?
person 2:ephs….
person 1: …….
person 2: i know
meaning forget this or f-ck this.
eph this town, its full of r-t-rded tempe highs.
every p-ssing hour. a grand rapids, michigan, metal band. they’re extremely talented.
dude, did you see eph’s set last night? it was sick.
to s-xually stroke a man’s p-n-s and then suck it hard with your big -ss monkey!
i eph my mom.
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