etoy (n): an extremely friendly/talkative person who hails from brooklyn, and can strike up a conversation with a paper bag. this social b-tterfly can be spotted wearing hats and traveling with a box of pizza in her hand. she is kind-hearted, loyal, and caring. often referred to as “antoinette”, a rare gem that enjoys dancing, shopping, and bearing children. she’s smart, funny, a little ocd, and always has a smile on her face…unless you’ve messed with her, in which case she can make some rather stank faces. she is not afraid to speak her mind. please don’t ever pr-nounce her name wrong, or get on her bad side, when you aren’t looking she will cut you.
person 1: “yo, who is that dime over there?”
person 2: “oh, i’m surprised she hasn’t talked to you yet, that’s etoy”
person 1: “whose loud voice is that? i can hear them all the way down the hall?”
lori: “hahaha! oh, that’s just my friend etoy”
person 1: “hey, have you seen that new nurse yet?”
person 2: “no, but i heard she’s super awesome”
together: “she must be an etoy!”
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