event horizon
the boundary of a black hole at which nothing can escape
if you are in an event horizon send me a postcard.
the point at which the number of drinks required to make a person s-xually attractive enough for intercourse exceeds the point to which the man can maintain an erection.
wingman: check out that girl at the bar. whadda think?
man: 5 drinks. maybe.
wingman: alright well how about the chick in the blue dress checking us out over there?
man: 7, doubtful.
wingman: and the girl dancing by herself to superfreak on the dancefloor?
man: dude, that’s an event horizon right there… no way.
“event horizon” was the third film directed by paul w.s. anderson after his first two films “shopping” and “mortal kombat.”
“event horizon” is set in the year 2047 and tells the story of a rescue crew that has been dispatched to retrieve the derelict sp-ce-vessle, the “event horizon.”
after spending time aboard the ship, it’s rescuers begin to have hallucinations and other various deleriums. it is later revealed in the movie that the “event horizon” was using an inter-deminsional travel device to go to a far corner of the universe, something went horribly wrong and the ship literally went to “h-ll” and the ship has become a living being bent on using it’s rescuers fears to destroy them.
while event horizon borrows many elements from cl-ssic horror films such as “the shining” and “h-llraiser” it’s story is essentially a much darker and gorier version of stanis³aw lem’s novel “solaris.”
event horizon was panned by critics when it was first released in 1997, but has been steadily gaining appreciation by both movie go-er’s and critcs since then due to it’s intricate camera work, special effects, and generally being ahead of it’s time.
event horizon was paul w.s. anderson’s best film.
the definition of a sh-t that is so large in m-ss that it rises over the water in the toilet bowl. to do so one must sh-t so that there is a solid base under the water level.
“i just saw an event horizon!”
“what? the movie?”
“no! in my toilet!”
the region of a black hole in which gravitational forces are strong enough to prevent matter or radiation from escaping. the only known nature formation of a perfect spherical structure. only gravity waves reach out from within the event horizon
“the exscape velocity at the event horizon is greater than the speed of light, nothing exscapes!”
“once your reach the event horizon there is no turing back.”
“the event horizon of a black hole is a perfect spherical structure.”
the outer edge of the stink sphere caused by a rank, nasty fart, air-biscuit, sbdf or the like. derived from stephen hawking’s description of the edge of influence of a black hole’s gravitational pull. once you cross the event horizon of a black hole, there’s no going back. once you cross the event horizon of a fart, you will wish you never did.
1. when trimble reached my event horizon his head snapped to the side like he was b-tch slapped by arnold.
2. joe was walking briskly into my office until he hit my event horizon, his forward motion then halted abruptly as if he had hit a brick wall.
the point of no return near the v-g-n- or -n-s. the p-n-s will be attracted to enter either hole, but until it goes beyond that hole’s event horizon, s-x proper has not yet begun.
however, not going beyond the event horizon does not imply that s-x will last longer, as the erotic and sensual forces upon the p-n-s that close to the event horizon can result in premature -j-c-l-t–n.
professor: as one approaches the event horizon it becomes harder and harder to keep from entering the black hole.
student: lol, harder.
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