1. a pseudo-religious movement, satirical in nature, to convert heteros-xuals to h-m-s-xuality (or bis-xuality). ‘ex-straight’ ministries, a retort to the notorious ex-gay movement, often turn common, negative issues about h-m-s-xuality expressed in fundamentalist christianity around on their accusers.
2. one who identifies oneself as h-m-s-xual (or bis-xual) after previously -ssuming and affronting a heteros-xual orientation. can also pertain to one that has consciously chosen, or made oneself h-m-s-xual/bis-xual.
1. an ex-straight argument might be that conforming to heteros-xuality is conducive to overpopulation.
2. jack was always more attracted to other males, but pretended to be straight to appease his peers. after high school, he was openly h-m-s-xual.
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