a slang term for a town in new jersey where there is nothing to do except for going to the cr-p movie theater and going to applebee’s afterwords.
i wanna get the h-ll out of f-town.
a garbage town with two dozen taco bells, seven chilis, an undereducated population, a low average income, sprawled development, and nothing to do but eat fast food and shop for meaningless sh-t. essentially, what a majority of the united states will soon look like if a shift in priorities does not take shape.
billy drove into an f-town texaco when he realized he had a bad case of the green apple splatters.
fresno, ca
frisco, tx
fayetteville, nc
fairbanks, ak
framingham, ma
santa fe, nm
fartville, usa
f town- a place where there is literally nothing to do… unless u love nugs and other drugs, then its not bad. spoiled rich kids with nothing to do with there money so they spend it on any drug they can buy in hope that it will make the town seem better. watch out for narcs when entering this town.. f-ck the rtpd
we smoke mad nugs in f-town everyday
slang term that refers to the town of fleminton, new jersey.
theres a party in f-town tonight.
the ghetto in the meadow, flagstaff arizona
represent f-town
to have s-x with someone while they are asleep.
my wife doesn’t find me attractive anymore, but she did give me permission to f-town her next time she p-ssed out.
a great place to come and do nothing with your life. we have plenty of good nugget though.
raritan township and f-town boro cops are the shadiest pig f-ckers of all time! congradulations
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