one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet despite a bit of an ego. but he’s got the ego for a reason: he’s got great style, slick dance moves, and a name that you won’t forget anytime soon. this guy loves to go out; a night not out in the city is a night wasted in his book. he’s the life of every party and makes friends so easily you’d think he was a wizard or something. speaking of, he’s secretly the biggest internet meme loving video game playing batman nerd, which only makes him all the more awesome. if you get the chance to befriend a fabrizzio, be careful, because more likely than not you’ll end up falling in love with him at some point. if he falls for you, too, be prepared for one of the best romances of your life. all that aside, fabrizzio is an amazing person inside and out and everyone he meets is lucky to know him. some are lucky enough to call him their friend. and even fewer are the luckiest to have loved and been loved by him.
friend 1: hey, i’m dating a fabrizzio!
friend 2: wow, you’re so lucky! fabrizzios are the best!
friend 1: my significant other is the coolest.
friend 2: oh yeah? not if he isn’t a fabrizzio.
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