facebook status
uh, where it says on facebook what you’re doing right now.
check out oprah’s facebook status today. she’s still talking about how fat she got.
facebook status-(n.) a way to get people to ask comment or feel for someone without them directly saying, “i want people to know about what i am doing and ask me about it”
facebook status:
i am so tired right now.
oh what were you doing that made you tired?
facebook status:
i am so upset.
awe why?
facebook status:
i cant believe i just did that
omg! are you okk??
a thing on facebook that tells the world what you are thinking about at the moment. most of the time it is filled with a bunch of sh-t from whiny emo kids and spoiled brat teenage girls that worship their cell phone more than g-d. and once in a while a college hangover or some “hard” homework -ssignment to b-tch about lets say you have to read pages 349-427 in your history book. big deal.
but sometimes you have something interesting worth talking about, such as i got a new ford mustang but 98% involves p-ssing and moaning. worst with women with pms.
typical facebook status updates: i lost my phone 🙁
new phone 🙂
call me or text me…i’m bored 🙁
fml :'(
had a kick-ss partay last night
i love mcdonalds
dear phone, please come back!anni
what you don’t see too often:
learned a few song on m guitar today
a feature of facebook which enables insecure upper middle cl-ss girls from the suburbs to make themselves feel heard, popular and befriended.
-status- “why does life suck so much?”
-status- “never give up on love <3" clearly, a girl trying to appeal to a large audience, in the hopes of getting recognition, and attention from her peers. the desire for the feeling of recognition and ultimatley importance, is why these kinds of status's exist on facebook. angelina: i can't believe my boyfriend broke up with me, i loved him!!! it was our third day together. i thought it was true love 🙁 kate: omg angelina, i feel sooooo bad -angelina writes facebook status- "i thought it was true love 3" attention seeking complete. a facebook status is where whiny teenagers go to write about how they have 'lost all their friends' or about how their 2 day relationship ended. many teenagers compain about "twelvies" post annoying statuses, when in actual fact, they are being a "twelvie" themselves. adults don't really write much in their statuses. it is mostly annoying shared pictures. "ugh, i have to write a facebook status about how my boyfriend dumped me."
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