the thrill you get when you log onto the popular social-networking site facebook and see a red square showing recent notifications. the height of the facebuzz is equal to the number of notifications displayed. unfortunately this can be followed by the facecrash when you find out that almost all of the notifications are from rubbish apps or people you haven’t spoken to for six years voting to ‘like this’
tom: “dude, i’ve got like 14 notifications today, this is a total facebuzz”
dave: “no way, you’re the man…”
tom: “oh no, they’re just 14 thumbs up to my status saying ‘chuck norris is my dad'”
dave: “gutted, total facecrash!”
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- face-buscando
verb the act of looking for someone on facebook. “te estuve face-buscando”
- Face Butting
but dialing facebook and changing you status without knowing it. mike has a strange face book status- ou oh- he must have been face b-tting again! when someone around you checks facebook on their phone so much you feel the need to grab it and fart on it. example – “i was at the dear […]
- Genovial
adj. harrison ford – like this drink was genovial.
- genre breaker
a form of entertainment that can be appriecated by everyone including people that are completely devoted to one genre. enter the sandman can be considered a genre breaker of music.
- Genrenista
a person devoted to arguing or bickering about defining genres of music, particularly electronic music, on youtube videos. usually they know f-ck all about music and have no interest in admitting they are a fool and know nothing about what genre is what, but they like to tell you what is what. “they know what […]