simply a gay man (f-g) who is a b-st-rd. used by gay men who are really angry.
d-mn but that guy is a real f-gstard.
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- leroy
a one man army moment, charging in against all odds because the other players taking the d-mn thing too seriously. usually used in mmorpg’s, such as world of warcraft “ok we need a bunch of casters to weaken the guys, we need support troops. can you do a bit of number crunching here, give as […]
- quilombo
1)the spanish word for “cl-sterf-ck” 2)something very difficult to do. al terminar el partido de futbol se armo quilombo. es un trabajo muy dificil, un quilombo. a bad-ss soulfly song there is no example…..its f-ckin soulfly
- Tieu
he was the god of war. to the romans, he was -ssociated with mars. to the greeks, he was -ssociated with zeus. his name stems from both latin “deus” and sanskrit “dyaus” – both meaning divinity. the -ssociation with mars can be found in the french name for tuesday (tieu’s day) which is mardi. tieu’s […]
- tifferz
-an ugly chick after other chicks boyfriend who thinks after a night of drinking one kiss emans they will be together even though he says he ahs a girlfriend. usually has brown teeth, ugly blond hair and a side friend to other girl’s boyfriends omg!!!!! she is such a tifferz! he kissed ehr last ngiht […]
- lemonade supreme
when a b-tch is fuggen sucking ur kak, and u juts p-ss all in her mouth instead of nutting. i gave that ho a lemonade supreme.