Fan Lover
one who has engaged in attempted s-xual intercourse with a fan (which usually leads to cut fingers). one could earn the t-tle fan lover for many reasons but “fan love” usually occurs when an individual is completely smashed. a name is also commonly screamed by the fan lover while “fan love” is occuring
alex : i screamed addie.s name. after i got bored with the fan, i found a stuffed green turtle…
kenny : all right fan lover that is quite enough!
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- The Rahn Choke
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- the rialto
a place of great exsitence from were the the good kharmatic vibes flow freely and fully from. the planet align and send peace waves to. and the greetest veiw of the skyline may be achived form the roof. dude u cnat go in the rialto right now the gods are meeting
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- assthomistic
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