an obscure language spoken by fangirls. it started at an unknown time period as a result of combining chatspeak and the english language. caps lock is also used to accentuate anger or pure emotion. the language is also know for the lack of punctuation, verb tenses, capitalization, syntax, and most of the vowels. it is the result also of pure ignorance and emphasizes a fangirl’s obsessions.
fg1:omgggz liek harry styles iz so hawt!!!111!
fg2: yas ikr
fg3: i no53
random person: ick literally i can’t
random person: 1d sucks
fangirl1: grl puh-leez
fangirl3: directi0nat3r al3rt!!
fangirl2: m4rry m3 harry
fangirl4: 1d 4eva!$$%#!!!
random person: what is my reason for trying? i cant understand this nonsense
random person:what was the world like before fangirlese, a.k.a. this relentless internet language of ignorance
fangirl 1:@$!#&%1d{-<(:v)$$!111!!!!!!
fangirl4: ik, ik. i und3rstand.
~randomperson has changed their username.
randomsaneperson: evryth1ng iz s0 kleer n0w.
an obscure language spoken by fangirls. it started at an unknown time period as a result of a poor b-st-rdization between chatspeak and the english language. caps lock is also used to accentuate anger or pure emotion. the language is also know for the lack of punctuation, verb tenses, capitalization, syntax, and most of the vowels. it is the hallmark of ignorance and every fangirls' obsessions.
twilight fangirl: omgggzzz liek taylor lautner iz so hawt!!!111!
justin bieber fangirl: no u stupid whor u are a stpuid
jonas brothers fangirl: f-ck you you you stupid bicth you are idoit
miley cyrus fangirl: grrrfefjfnlskdlaskdjl
rational person: sorry guys, i don't speak fangirlese, the language of ignorance.
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