adj… being in the state of fantastic and terrific at the same time.
klayr is fantasteriffic at making up words
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- Farbreeze
the ability to openly flatulate due to the fact that you are outside, when an internal p-ssing of gas would be uncomfortable. “wow, thank g-d for that farbreeze. that meeting was so long i thought i would explode. i couldn’t wait to get outside” a household cleaner derived from febreeze. used to relieve the smell […]
- precooked
when your state of mind becomes altered (stupid)due to the fact your mind is preparing for your mind altering drug be it via ; weed, heroin, cocaine and etc. hey is that a cop car, nope dude your precooked
- Precrastination
the act of knowing you will procrastinate, before one has actually procrastinated. john: hey man, wanna work on that project tonight? me: nah, i’ll probably just do it last minute… you know, procrastinate john: so… you know you’re going to procrastinate… isn’t that precrastination? a behavior which is characterized by doing things before even knowing […]
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its a way to say watsup or watsgood to a friend or somebody that your meeting. hey how u doin? ….watsgoodington man?
- wecamewithbrokenteeth
a very weird in my band in my oponion.there a death metal band that uses creepy sounds in there songs a lot of the time wecamewithbrokenteeth is one of the weirdest bands ever