this is another word for what happens on face book.
the fbeye is a way everyone can watch you like big brother.
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- Scrat-end
the end of a scrat, or someone’s d-ck, like a f-g-end only more generally repulsive. devvo – “or i might just write, ‘you f-ckin’ scrat-end, by devvo’.” 1. literally, another word for the head of a p-n-s. 2. a chavvy insult, equivalent to jebend or b-ll-nd “f-ck off ya scratend!” the flakey bits of poo […]
- Fbr Trash
a livejournal community that is dedicated to trashing bands on the fueled by ramen and decadence record labels. – not to be taken seriously, and is mainly for lulz. – kevin from the fbr band, powersp-ce, is currently a moderator there. – the members there pretend to hate the band members, but in reality they […]
- F.D.H
pr-nounced – eeff dee haiche stands for: f—ing d–k head that bloke is such a f.d.h
- Fecal Crusader
someone who defies normality when using the bathroom (usually at a college dorm or a frat) by p–ping in the wrong places, usually near the toilet. preferred places for a fecal crusader: floor on side of toilet toilet paper dispenser shower area floor behind toilet also, someone that we want to beat up so much, […]
- ghetto mission
the act of doing sometihing completely random for sh-ts and giggles. and it has to be in the ghettoist place in the city, town and/or villiage. i lit a cat on fire and took a p-ss on it to extuingish the fire, it was me and carson’s ghetto mission.