f-cking behind the scenes
a term used towards a couple that pretends to hate each other in public, but it’s obvious they’re f-cking. this term can be used towards people you know in real life, or ships from tv, books, or movies.
rachel: hey, did you see aubrey and zack undressing each other with their eyes today?
adam: yeah, they’re totally fbts.
an acronym for fat boy tendencies. used when consuming excessive quant-ties of unhealthy foods that fat boys love.
oh fuuuck bro ryuh!! you just ordered a california carnitas chimichanga with extra sour cream and a large horchata? that’s h-lla fbt!!
fat b-st-rd
usually used to describe overweight, nasty men. such men spend most of their time trying to make others feel bad and the majority of people give them a wide berth. literally!
that guy is a right w-nker, he needs to lose some weight too, what a fbt.
yeah, i heard that fbt hasn´t seen his p-n-s in about 12 years and the wife now has a nervous tic.
face book time – the same as daylight savings time where you lose an hour just by going on facebook and have no idea where that hour went…..
i thought you said you’d be here an hour ago
yo, i was on my way out the door and i went on fb to check my messages and dang, before i knew it i checked my watch and realized i was on fbt
meaning: fist b-mp that sh-t. use: invite to an fist b-mp when something is extremely awesome.
dude: i just got 98% on my maths exam, and i was f-cking high!
other dude: fbts!
f-cking b-tt t-rd; usually used to refer to someone who is bad at sports
umpire: strike 3, you’re out!
joey: man rob, that’s your 3rd strikeout, you’re such a fbt.
acronym: facebooktroll
people that feel the need to make comments about every one of their friends posts/comments because they have nothing more pressing to do.
they also tend to double comment before anyone else can respond.
emily: “can believe how many times gerald commented on your picture?”
justin: “tell me about it… he’s such an fbt!!”
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