the disgusting offspring of the rare creature known as a mebbit. the word is a combination of “fetus” and “mebbit”. fett-ts are about the size of a guano-producing bat and have similar mannerisms. they are typically gray, slimy, and covered in after-birth. instead of emitting the “meeeep!” cry heard from the adult size mebbit, the fett-t emits a gargly “blech!” when attempting to communicate. instead of learning to crawl and then walk, fett-ts instinctually learn to “shamble” immediately upon birth. on rare occasions, fett-ts have been trained to carry small explosive vests used in terrorist activity. a fett-t will reach full mebbit maturity after about 12 years. highly dangerous.
pat: hey john, blech!
john: dude, not funny. you know how sensitive i am about mebbit jokes after..the incident.
pat: but “blech!” is what a fett-t says, “meeeep!” is what a mebbit says.
john: come on man!
fett-t: blech!!
-bee bee beep-
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