a person who can not post a picture without using multiple phone filters.
“that girl be swimming in filters”… “man, she’s a filtafish.”
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- Finess
1 awesome, spoiled, beautiful, she gets all the guys. she is also very weird and unique she’s a one of a kind and any guy who has her is completely in love with her she has beautiful brown eyes. most people love her while others are hating on her because she’s perfect d-mn!!! did you […]
- fitness neglection program
1 slang used by people who really hate working out. woman: “hey sally, wanna come with me to the gym? sally: “no thanks. i’m in the fitness neglection program.”
- flip his cot
1 die, or have condition become suddenly worse, on verge of death. “medical staff is standing by incase he decides to flip his cot”
- Flattening Your Mouse
1 the term used when you bash your mouse repeatedly against your mouse pad in rage. person 1: what’s that banging sound coming from my room? person 2: oh person 3 is in there flattening your mouse person 3: isn’t that the term used when you bash your mouse repeatedly against your mouse pad in […]
- fuck-tune
2 noun. a song that makes the listener want to do the do. alternatively, a song to get dirty while listening to. “at first he wasn’t feeling it, but then i put on p-ssenger by deftones and he was ready to get down. it’s definitely my go-to f-cktune.” “i have a playlist of f-cktunes all […]