Fitch Bitch
a woman who wears a lot of popular store (abercrombie, holister, american eagle, aeropostale) clothes and makes fun of other people that dont wear that kind of clothing.
allison: wow like oh my god she is like wearing clothes from like hot topic that is so like uncool!
katie: you relise your being a fitch b-tch right now right?
the annoyingly up themselves people who, because they wear exclusively “abercrombe and fitch” clothing think that it gives them a free p-ss to p-ss off the world while thinking that they are better than it
man 1: jesus i can’t believe tommy just snubbed the boss!
man 2: yeah well there was a sale of a&f and he bought pretty much everything!
man 1: he’s turned into such a fitch b-tch
a girl who only wears abercrombie and fitch and is a total hottie. she says “omg” on a regular basis as well. she probably has perfect hair and has a hot boyfriend. she owns the school. =]
ugly girl: ohhh look at that fitchb-tch! i wish i could be like her. shes perfect.
ugly boy: uhhh yeah! i would tap that.
a person who wears abercrombie and fitch clothing to excess.
“that fitchb-tch could not look any preppier, can she?”
a girl who wears abercrombie clothing every day of the year.
can often be seen driving the mercedes mommy and daddy bought her.
“check out that fitch b-tch over there with her starbucks latté”
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