the act of putting five gum wrappers on various items. usually done by bored highschool students.
i just fived my whole notebook.
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- Bay's Law
as the size and quant-ty of explosions in a given movie increases, the audience’s ability to perceive plot holes approaches zero. person 1: “transformers 2 was a pretty incoherent movie. but i like it anyways. wtf?” person 2: bay’s law man. bay’s law.
- A Cougar Ate My Baby
is when your child has relations with an older woman(aka cougar). women 1- i saw your son making out with an older woman. women 2- oh no a cougar ate my baby!!!
- Flaaghenschmurg
a form of s-x in which a women takes her breast, and shoves it into a blender and setts it on beat. afterwards, it is customary that the women and her partner pee on each other while drinking hot chocolate. i burned my tongue last night after i flaaghenschmurged this russian down syndrome girl.
- Guzed
when you have been jinxed or cursed with misfortune; usually the result of a touch or a moment in the presence of a jinxed, cursed person. once you have been guzed it cannot be wiped off and there are no known treatments. jeff weaver was on his way to a successful career until he was […]
- Pull a Bueller
to make yourself absent from an event. mike: “yo man i wanna go to this party but my mom wants me to go to my grandmothers funeral.” matt: “dude just pull a bueller.”