fkm is an acronym which stands for “fat kid mentality”. many people suffer from fkm – fkm affects every aspect of their lives. fkm sufferers need to do everything in excess. whether it be ordering an extra cheeseburger with their xtra value meal or having psychotic munchies. fkm causes impulse buying, excessing horniness, drinking, smoking…excessing everything! most fkm sufferers have little or no control over their lives.
(noun) look at fatty over there, he’s got a serious case of fkm! he had two mcdonald’s trays to himself!
(verb) i fkmed a pound of cheese, some nachos and three burgers tonight.
(verb2) i fkmed the sh-t out of girlfriend last night. she’s gonna be sore today!
f-cking kidding me?
guy: yo i just took a upperdecker in your bathroom
another guy: bro, fkm
f-cking kill me
friend one: dude i crashed your car into the lake. oh and your exam paper was in there too, which is now in the lake.
friend two: oohh lord fkm. my life sucks.
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