f-cking liberal environmentalist b-st-rd
most celebrities are flebs. (and -ssholes).
fleb – verb, noun, adjective, inanimate object, uly next door neighbour… ect…
fleb or flebbin is my new word to describe..
any-flebbin-ting i want to..
so there..
basically i devised it wit my daughter one day whilst we wer both playin gears of war in front of the xbox and she got taken down and i was running across the map to aid her but got sniped at the last second and in my furiousity i wanted to shout “ooohh f-k!!!…” but instead quickly flipped the letters around and shouted “oooh fleb it!!..”
since then i’ve been using it as my safe swear word which can be utilised in conjunction wit a lot of other action words or as a collective description of somethin or somone..
can also be used instead of other words.. like f-k, sh-t, b-st-rd and so on…
– i’m flebin wrecked – i’m totally exhausted
– go on you ya big fleb ya – a typical put down multiplied by like a zillion
– ah fleb – like ah sh-t, only cooler
– ya big fleb’r – worse than any fleb put down ever.. even
– wot the “fleb” is that… – question
-she’s so ugly i wouldn’t “flebbin” ride her into battle.. – statement
– hey you.. fleb head.. – callin someone
– hand me over the.. ummm.. wotcha-ma-call-it.. fleb thingy – requiring an object but can’t remember its name
– well i flebbin never.. – flebber-gasted
is a negative-alignment-neo-variation slang word.
derives form the word and histrionically terminology of “pleb” as in meaning.
“a person of lower cl-ss or taste.”
the irony comes form “pleb” being overused and thus having to be changed to “fleb” to keep it’s indie(thus implying superiority form being unknown)usage.
pleb:i like nickelback, skrillex and justin bieber!!
patrician: sir, your a fleb.
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