a complete idiot.
your mother is a total fleeb.
a word that didn’t quite make it as a synonym for tool or douche bag mainly for the fact that the people who say it are tools themselves.
wow, what a fleeb
the word ‘fleeb’ can be used in many different ways. it can be used to describe someone as incredibly awesome and amazing or it can just be one of those words people say for no apparent reason.
to describe someone as incredibly awesome and awesome: “that’s so fleeb!!!”
“you’re so fleeb!”
just saying ‘fleeb’ for no apparent reason:
“fleeb fairy!”
fleebing is an act of completely inhaling anything, although mainly food.
guy 1: that pizza was delicious.
guy 2: i know, i totally fleebed it!
in the lego community, a sp-ce creature that chews through metal, etc. resembles a scorpion with a shallow dome on it’s back.
“look out! a fleeb! don’t let it chew up the ship engi- -boom!-
too late.”
an act of excitement
35 mins until big brother comes on! -fleebs-
a word to say when conversation is low
uh…fleeb! hewhehehehehehehe!
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