highly stimulated on amphetamine type drugs, such as speed, e’s or c-ke. as in flying. a scottish term.
they e’s are pure teckle man, i’m fleeing already.
a slang term used in northern england, meaning cold or freezing.
1. brrr, it’s fleeing out here!
2. brrr, i’m fleeing!
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not to be confused with a pimp or madame (those who prost-tute men or women of age), a flesh peddler is a sick, twisted f-ck who is in charge of prost-tuting under-aged children (ages 6-14). flesh peddlers can be found in the redlight districts of europe and asia and the rooms that put the child […]
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commonly spelled flibbertigibbet 1) a capricious and unreliable person. 2) a flighty or whimsical person, usually a young female. 3) historically: a name for a fiend, devil, puck or sprite. 4) mythology: the name of a particularly obnoxious apprentice to the wayland (weland) smith who was so irritated by his apprentice threw him down a […]
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